

Article & Tips

Tax Trap for Canadian Landlords: Temporary Use of a Long-Term-Rental Property as an Airbnb May Trigger Unanticipated GST/HST Upon Sale

September 12th, 2024|GST, HST|

Author: Kevin Persaud Introduction: The GST/HST Change-In-Use Rule under Subsection 206(2) of Canada’s Excise Tax Act Canada’s Excise Tax Act imposes GST/HST on every “taxable [...]

Charging GST/HST: A Single Supply vs Multiple Supplies – Canadian Tax Lawyer Explains the Difference

August 1st, 2024|GST, HST|

If you sell goods or provide services in Canada, you likely need to register for and charge customers the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or [...]

Canadian Tax Guide for Uber, Lyft, UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub & Postmates Drivers: Income Tax & GST/HST Obligations for Commercial Ridesharing and Delivery Services

July 4th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Author: Kevin Persaud Introduction: Canadian Tax Rules for Rideshare Drivers & Delivery Drivers The platform economy involves activities facilitated by digital platforms like websites or [...]

Sale of Long-Term Rental Property Results in $80,000 GST/HST Owing Because of Airbnb Use Before Sale: 1351231 Ontario Inc. v. The King, 2024 TCC 37

July 3rd, 2024|Case|

Author: Kevin Persaud Introduction: Sale of Real Property as a Taxable Supply vs. an Exempt Supply Canada’s Excise Tax Act imposes GST/HST on every “taxable [...]

Case Commentary: Litman v. The King – Does Building Laneway Houses Qualify for the New Housing Tax Rebate under Subsection 256(2) of the Excise Tax Act?

May 28th, 2024|housing|

Introduction: Mr. Litman’s Claim for The New Housing Tax Rebate Litman v. The King was an appeal before the Tax Court of Canada (Tax Court) [...]

Canadian Residential Real Estate Developers: Beware the Tax Trap of GST/HST Deemed ‘Self-Supply’ Rules

May 16th, 2024|GST, housing, HST, Self supply rules|

Introduction – The GST/HST Deemed-Self-Supply Rules The GST/HST deemed self-supply rules in Canada’s Excise Tax Act often trigger unanticipated GST/HST consequences for Canadian residential-real-estate developers. [...]

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