Commercial Rent Deferrals and Covid-19: Canadian GST/HST Lawyer Analysis
Introduction: Tax Uncertainty in the Face of a Global Pandemic [...]
Introduction: Tax Uncertainty in the Face of a Global Pandemic [...]
Introduction: Vicarious GST/HST Liability for Directors Under certain conditions, a [...]
Introduction – What is a “Wash Transaction”? Taxpayers who have [...]
Flipping houses is predicated on the resale of valuable [...]
After transitioning from goods and services tax to harmonized sales [...]
Introduction: Crypto-Currency Trading & The Obligation to Collect GST/HST To [...]
Introduction – The GST/HST Self-Supply Rules Residential builders sometimes [...]
Introduction – GST/HST and Sale of a Business Most taxpayers [...]
Rationale of Bad Debt GST Refund In a sale of [...]
A Split Federal Court of Appeal Denies GST/HST New [...]