Objections and Appeals by Specified Persons – GST/HST
Introduction – Objections and Appeals by Specified Persons [...]
Introduction – Objections and Appeals by Specified Persons [...]
R. v. Scholz — A Canadian Tax Lawyer Analysis of [...]
Introduction – GST/HST Obligations of Self-Employed Sex Workers [...]
Introduction – Goods and Services Tax & Excise Tax [...]
GST/HST and Invoices of Accommodation/Convenience Schemes: Canadian Tax Lawyer [...]
Introduction: Businesses, “Neutrality” and the GST/HST In Canada, doing [...]
Introduction: Tax Uncertainty in the Face of a Global Pandemic [...]
Introduction: Vicarious GST/HST Liability for Directors Under certain conditions, a [...]
Introduction – What is a “Wash Transaction”? Taxpayers who have [...]
Uber is a ride-sharing platform that many vehicle owners have [...]